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We Sang a Dirge | by Lo Alaman

We Sang a Dirge | by Lo Alaman

We Sang a Dirge is not a manual on lament, but rather a glance into the lament of its author, Lo Alaman. It is a collection of poems, journeys, prayers, and invitations. He offers no answers here, for only Christ has those to give. Poetry doesn?t seek to share facts, but rather to share an experience. You?ll find no politics or advocations for any government except the kingdom of God within these pages. What you will find is a window into the joy and grief of following Jesus in this skin.

We pray these poems are a catalyst that open all sorts of windows (hopefully your own). Biblical lament stems from hope that God has more in mind for His people than the brokenness that they find themselves in. These poems are a window into hope.

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